Best Vidalia onion dip in atlanta

I have an obsession with a gorgeous yellow round object. No, it’s not the Tiffany yellow diamond. It’s the sweet Southern bulb of a Vidalia onion (aka a sweet onion). To celebrate its beauty, I’ve rounded up three of the best sweet onion dips around Atlanta. Some are high brow and some are down home. 

See the soil in Vidalia, Ga., has low sulfur so the onions there grow much sweeter than onions in other parts of the country or even the state. When you slice and peel these blonde beauties, you will discover a flavor that borders on the addictive. That’s why the Vidalia onion was named Georgia’s official state vegetable in 1990? But I digress. 

If you are a fan like me,  I’ve found three of the best onion dips around Atlanta.

1. Ruffles Potato Chips and Onion Dip at Homegrown

This is the most down home of onion goodness in the city. Homegrown‘s version of onion dip is much more chunky and coarse than the other dips on the list. But if you love the umami goodness of your mama’s sour cream and onion soup mix version of this dip, this is the holy grail. Also, it comes with Ruffles, which is legit. If I was on death row having my last supper, I’d want a plate full of Ruffles and this onion dip. #Truth #NoLie. Holler at me in the comments below if you’re in my same camp.

Vidalia onion dip Homegrown Atlanta
Onion dip at Homegrown

2. Vidalia Onion Dip with Olive Oil Fried Potato Chips at The Ashford

This is a seasonal menu item at The Ashford in Brookhaven that I hope comes back around next Spring. I’m writing enough about it (read previous post) that I pray the owners take my pleas to heart. One of the waiters told me it’s one of the most popular items on the menu, so it has to make a March or April comeback. First off, the creamy whipped dip actually comes in a hollowed out Vidalia onion. It’s a more upscale version of the dish. The house made peppered chips are an ideal vehicle to scoop up this light and silky appetizer.

Vidalia Onion Dip Atlanta The Ashford
Vidalia Onion Dip at The Ashford

3. Caramelized Vidalia Onion Dip at Lingering Shade

I love the addition of smoky caramelized onions in this version of Vidalia onion dip. Lingering Shade is a lively, popular restaurant on The Beltline filled with young Atlantans brunching every weekend. Inside, it looks like a French cafe along the 7th arrondissement. Expect a rich, luscious version of the Southern dip here. It’s also served with the down home, simple—but utterly fantastic—Ruffles chips. 

Caramelized Vidalia Onion Dip at Lingering Shade

If you share my penchant for this round gem—aka you’re a Vidalia onion superfan like me—then you can also make my favorite Vidalia Onion Game Day Dip recipe here. Otherwise, just trot by one of these three spots this weekend.